To help you improve and set you up for success, we discover where you are at with your strength and athletic performance, and use the information to build a plan for where you want to get to. Identify your strengths and weaknesses, and understand how this information informs our programming and coaching.

strength assessment, strength analysis, Melbourne strength assessment, strength coach Melbourne

Starting Point of Your Journey to Improved Performance

We use our expertise in understanding movement with the latest technology from VALD to assess strength, force production, speed and agility. This information will guide us in creating a plan that is specific to YOU. After the assessment you will receive a detailed report with your results, how we will use these results to guide your programming, and our recommendations for achieving your goals.

Aside from conducting strength assessments, we also have run assessments that you can avail of if you need guidance to improve your running technique and skills.

Our Coaches Have Worked With

How We Gather Information in an Athletic Blueprint Assessment:

  1. Thorough assessment of your injury history
  2. Goal setting
  3. Current weekly plan
  4. Review your movement
  5. Speed and agility testing
  6. Analysis of your force production using VALD Force Decks
  7. Strength Testing
  8. Build a plan 
  9. Receive a detailed report including testing results and recommendations

strength assessment for athletes, Melbourne strength assessment, Aiden Harvey strength coach doing strength assessment



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