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Benefits of Hiring a Fitness Coach

Benefits of Hiring a Fitness Coach

Nick Bowden - Run Coach - Run Ready

Let’s admit it. Getting out of bed to start your day with a workout is probably one of the hardest things to do, especially if you don’t have anyone to work out with. For those who are beginners like me, we don’t know where, what to do, and how to start our fitness journey. Sometimes browsing Youtube Academy isn’t enough to educate yourself on what kind of exercise will fit your health goals. This is where a fitness coach comes in. Having someone to guide you and teach you about fitness is one of the best experiences you can have. Let’s find out why hiring a personal trainer is beneficial for you! 


What is a Fitness Coach?

More than anyone else, a fitness coach understands the distinction between a client’s requirements and wants. She recognises the underlying difficulties that keep a client from attaining her stated goals and knows how to fix them. A health and fitness coach is a mentor who uses exercise and nutrition to assist clients in achieving their goals. These trainers are often found at small-scale gyms, large-scale gyms, and, most recently, online. These trainers advocate more than just one particular fitness regimen and nutrition.

What is Fitness Coaching?

To help their customers achieve their fitness goals, fitness coaches use a combination of personal training (or fitness teaching) and a structured coaching approach to build the skills and motivation they need to keep up their newfound healthy habits. An active lifestyle involves enough regular physical exercise to

  • increase physical, mental, and emotional energy
  • manage weight and stress
  • prevent or cure health risks and medical illnesses
  • improve self-image and self-esteem
The frequency of fitness coaching sessions also varies depending on your client. For instance, you may have one session with a client to determine their needs, devise a programme to assist them in achieving those needs, demonstrate how to execute the programme, and then leave them to monitor their progress. Alternatively, you may meet with a client more than once, possibly during each training session, to offer incentives and modify their programme over time.

What are the advantages of hiring a fitness coach?

There are various reasons why people choose personal trainers. You can benefit significantly from working with a personal trainer if you want to create a tailored programme to aid your weight loss efforts, improve your fitness level, or simply feel more comfortable working with an expert. A certified personal trainer has received training in designing and implementing their customers’ workout regimens. To put it another way, they’ll assist you in working out and making other lifestyle adjustments to achieve your fitness objective.

A personal trainer is crucial for accomplishing your fitness objectives, whether they are weight loss-, sports-, or athletic-related. Here, we’ve compiled the most important reasons for hiring a personal trainer, along with the advantages you stand to gain from doing so.

#1 Educate Us

A personal trainer is beneficial since they can teach you about all facets of health, fitness, and exercise. A clear grasp of what is necessary to achieve your fitness objectives is compelling because knowledge truly is power. 

#2 Custom-designed Fitness Programs 

Everyone has different goals, so even if two people use the same strength and conditioning training programme, their outcomes are likely to vary. Booking a personal gym coach entitles you to:

  • One-on-one training
  • Help and encouragement to try new exercises and movements.
  • Including more types of workouts in your regimen

One of the best things about working with a personal trainer is that they can tailor a programme to your specific needs, whether due to an injury, medical condition, pregnancy, or menopause. At Run Ready, whatever your purpose is, we have a fitness coach for you to hire! 

#3 Accountability 

Accountability is a term you are most likely to hear when you are involved in Sports. Occasionally, even the most committed athlete will prefer to skip their regular workout in favour of a day of rest, entertainment, or have an alcoholic binge. 

That’s fine sometimes, but making it, a habit might lead to a stalemate in the gym and abandoning your goals. This is far less likely to occur while working with a devoted fitness coach since hiring a coach is a commitment, and a committed coach will ensure you keep it. When additional distractions emerge, your strength coaches will encourage you to overcome them and instead get to the gym to begin working out.

#4 Prioritises Mental Well-being 

Our Run Ready strength and conditioning coaches will never pressure you to skip a session, but they’ll also respect your decision if you feel a bit under the weather. They will give just as much consideration to your emotional well-being as to your physical health. Your trainer appreciates exercise’s positive effect on your disposition and general health. Even if this occasionally requires stopping early or mixing up workouts based on feedback, they believe it is crucial always to ensure both components are given utmost importance.

#5 Helps You Set Long-term Goals 

A personal trainer may assist you in developing attainable objectives and then keep you on track to reach those objectives. For instance, working your core doesn’t only include performing 100 crunches daily for a month if your objective is to get a “bikini body” for the summer. Your fitness coach will collaborate with you to set short-term and long-term objectives, so you’ll never be in the dark about what to do next or struggle to stay motivated.

#6 Keeps You Motivated and Excited about Working Out

It’s easy to procrastinate when you don’t have a partner to push (and encourage) you. A trainer may assist you in creating weekly goals and can follow up with you frequently to monitor how you’re progressing, keeping you motivated and pursuing your objectives. They may be able to provide suggestions on how to make your routine more exciting, challenging, or entertaining. A trainer will evaluate how you performed during your workout and point out any areas where you might make improvements or where you might be able to exert a bit more effort.

Run Ready Run Club - Runner strength training - Strength and conditioning training for runners Melbourne

How Fitness Trainers Can Help You 

You can choose a personal trainer who will provide either intense “tough love” encouragement or more delicate, caring assistance, depending on your preferences and needs. The objective of a personal trainer is to support her customers in achieving specified fitness objectives safely, effectively, and effectively. Knowing what you might get out of a personal trainer can help you decide if it’s worth the money.

  1. Recommending activities that suit your body, schedule, and equipment is accessible
  2. Guiding you in determining how hard to exert yourself when exercising and how to keep track of your workout intensity
  3. Demonstrating the selection of workouts, weights, repetitions, and sets
    enhancing your exercises using various gadgets 
  4. Teaching you how to maximise your exercise while ensuring you don’t overdo it

How do you become a Fitness Coach? 

Becoming a fitness coach doesn’t take much, but not everyone can become one. Passion for physical activity is a must for any competent fitness trainer. You need to be physically healthy and well-versed in various forms and methods of exercise. Having at least a fundamental grasp of nutrition and biomechanics is crucial. The most effective fitness instructors hold an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in a pertinent subject, such as exercise science. If you want to assist customers to achieve their fitness objectives through exercise, diet, and lifestyle changes, you’ll need excellent communication and interpersonal skills. If you want to stand out from the hundreds of personal strength trainers around, earning a professional certification is another method to distinguish yourself from the competition and advance in your chosen field.

Tips on Becoming a Great Fitness Coach

Every career requires hard work and practice to succeed, especially in fitness, where it can take years to develop practical skills and traits for providing a high quality of service that can help you stand out from other fitness professionals

Invest in further education

Don’t dismiss the importance of lifelong learning. Spend the time necessary to create plans with long-term objectives in mind. Pay attention to customer feedback and modify the programs to suit the unique requirements of each user. Lastly, develop a long-term professional path by striving to become a great trainer; it is one way to set yourself apart from your peers.

Set a Clear and Strong Mindset 

You need to have a strong mind with a lot of willpower, determination, and persistence. You must adopt such an attitude to stay motivated, especially during difficult circumstances. Every effort must be made consistently to create a passionate and driven environment.

Focus on a Specialty 

Working as a personal trainer in a gym is an excellent career choice. But by specialising, you can increase your prospects. Your job may be more rewarding and give you an edge over other candidates if you have specialized training in teaching kids, people with disabilities, and older people. 

Be Flexible 

Remember that once you start taking reservations, you must be flexible to meet your clients’ needs. Although it isn’t what we’re talking about, Your body does need to remain flexible if you want to be a personal trainer. You should also try accommodating clients with unpredictable schedules by making yourself available at untypical hours.