Group run coaching, personal run coach, run coach, Melbourne run coach, Run Club Melbourne, picture of runners outside - Run Ready

Benefits of Group Run Coaching

Benefits of Group Run Coaching

Run coaching, run coach, Nick Bowden coaching run group, Run Club Melbourne, picture of run group outdoors Melbourne run coach - Run Ready

With over two decades in athletics coaching for different Australian athletics & cross-country teams, college and grammar schools, and coaching one of Australia’s best runners, Ben Buckingham, I’ve almost seen it all. I’ve trained individual runners and teams, so I can confidently say that I know a thing or two or more about group run coaching. Group run coaching has been a game-changer for many athletes, and I’m happy to share why with you. Before that, let’s answer some of the most frequently asked questions about group running. 


Group run coaching, what’s that?

When it comes to run coaching, you’re probably more familiar with personal run coaching. Everyone doesn’t always enjoy one-on-one run coaching. Some people thrive and enjoy group training, whether running or physical exercise. Group-run coaching is specifically made for them! What is a group run coaching? Run group coaching primarily refers to gathering runners of all ages, skill levels, and running experience so they can train together, share their run experiences and tips, and achieve their individual goals. As a certified group run coach, I provide our runners with expert guidance, run training program structure, and support to every individual, ensuring no one gets left behind. 

Is a group run coach beneficial for runners of all skill levels?

Group running does not discriminate and is an inclusive program for runners of all ages, abilities, and running experience. It doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned marathon runner, you’re running your first 5k marathon, you’re running to improve your health, or you’re running as a family for bonding, or if you’re training for a particular sport; a group run will provide you with the support you need from a professional running coach like me. Even if you are running as a group, I can still provide each member with individualised care and attention so that you can run without injuries and reach your individual goals in no time! 

Will you run faster in a group?

Running on your own is also a different experience. Some people feel they can focus more and clear their heads if they don’t have anyone to run with. According to the world-famous and leading platform for tracking athletes’ progress, Strava,  they have discovered that those who ran in a group had a faster average running pace of 5 minutes and 50 seconds per kilometre versus solo runners who had an average running pace of 5 minutes and 55 seconds per kilometre. There could be a lot of reasons for this: people can be more competitive, be more excited to have someone beside them to cheer them on and be determined to cross the finish line like the other runners in the group. I’ve had a runner who has been training alone for years and was looking for a change, so he joined our Run Club at Run Ready. He told me the positive vibes and the collective enthusiasm of the run group pushed him to go further and faster! 

Do group runs address individual goals?

This is a good question. When we think about group runs, we automatically think that we order the group to run a certain length, and that’s it. This is not the case. Although run groups tend to run as a group, run coaches like me assess each runner’s running background, current health status, running abilities, age, and experience. This is the only way to create individualised running programs and training plans to meet each person’s goals and needs. Once you receive your training plan, you can proceed to execute it, but with other people! 

How does group run coaching help me?

Now that we know more about what group run coaching is and what it entails, it’s time to dive deeper into how beneficial it is for you! 

Get that boost of motivation from your run coach and fellow runners

Running with more than two persons can give individuals that extra push to cross the finish line. After all, every bit of motivation helps when you’ve decided to reach your running and health goals. I’ve had experiences with running beginners who have never succeeded in reaching their goal of running a 3k marathon because they’ve always given up when things got a little bit harder. When you run with a group, you don’t just have your coach, you can see your fellow runners showing up and giving it their all, and this fuels your determination. This is what I love about group runs; it can be very inspirational!

Learn about being accountable

Training with a group of runners keeps you accountable for your actions. Whether it’s sticking to your workouts, arriving on time on training days, or simply showing up, your fellow runners can hold you accountable. When you know that others expect you to be there and perform optimally during training, it’s very difficult not to do so! There’s no such thing as giving up mid-way when you’re in a run group because we work as a team, lifting each other up when needed. 

Be trained by certified and qualified run coaches

A run group doesn’t just run on a regular basis. Professional run coaches like myself guide them and curate bespoke running and training plans that suit each runner’s requirements. I’ve been in the athletics coaching trade for over twenty years, which means I have the experience, vast knowledge, and expertise to teach you about the proper running form and technique, workouts, safe running practices, and the right nutrition to keep you in your best form. We’ll warm up, run, and cool down together, and I’ll strictly monitor your progress. Adjustments to your training program can be made along the way. 

Get a dynamic running experience

With our group run coaching program and run club, we provide a dynamic running experience by introducing you and exposing you to different running terrains such as running trails, techniques, paces, and exercises. 

Run better and faster

Running with a spirited group has this incredible way of pushing your limits. When passionate and competitive souls surround you, you can’t help but dig deep and give that extra push. The friendly nudge from a running buddy coaxes you to go a little faster, a little harder, and a little longer than you ever thought possible. Plus, you’ve got a great coach leading the way! 

Safety in numbers 

Running in a group is much safer than running alone. Whether running at night or during the day, a run group can provide the help you need if you’re caught up in a bind or incur injuries while on your run. 

Fun, fun, fun

With my years of running coaching, I can proudly say that I’ve developed the best friendships and built great relationships with my clients. Joining a run club is one of the best ways to discover new friendships and spend time with people who share your interests and passions. We don’t just meet on our runs; we also catch up over coffee, BBQ, or even wine!

Yes, Run Ready offers personal or one-to-one run coaching and virtual run coaching for all kinds of runners all over Melbourne. We cater to all kinds of runners, no matter the age, and tailor-fit our program to fit your needs and goals. 

Run Ready offers three group-run coaching programs: Intro to Run Club, Run Club, and Run Strong. Our Intro to Run Club starts at $20 weekly if you’re looking for basic group run coaching. Our Run Club starts at $30 weekly, while our Run Strong program starts at $60. 

Running experience isn’t necessary when signing up for our group run coaching programs. Because our run coaching programs are custom-fit for every individual’s needs, you don’t have to worry about getting left behind by more experienced runners.