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How to Choose a Personal Gym Trainer

How to Choose a Personal Gym Trainer

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When you decide to invest in your health and fitness, it’s important to take the time to choose the person who’s going to help you reach your fitness goals. Who do you ask for help from? A personal gym trainer is the best person to assist you in your fitness journey from start to finish. Gym coaches have the knowledge and experience in strength and conditioning they’ve earned for years. Let us help you narrow your options in choosing the right personal gym trainer. 


What does a personal gym trainer do?

A personal gym trainer is a fitness professional fully equipped with training and coaching experience and knowledgeable about the different aspects of fitness and health. He works to help men, women, and teens to achieve their personal and fitness goals by creating custom strength and conditioning programs. 

Why do I need a personal gym coach?

It’s hard to train on your own, especially if you don’t have background and experience in creating effective workout regimens or programs. A personal gym coach can provide the tools, knowledge, and support you may need to reach your fitness goals. Strength coaches and gym trainers make you accountable, educate you, motivate you, and craft a bespoke fitness program that matches your current fitness level and your objectives. And, when you get tired, they’re there to give you a push and mix your regimen up to make your fitness journey more doable. 

How often should I see my personal trainer?

The frequency of your sessions with your personal gym trainer will depend on the type of fitness program he will create for you. For beginners, it is advised to meet with your personal gym coach at least two to three times per week for the first six weeks. This allows you to familiarise yourself with the workouts and let your body adapt slowly to avoid injuries. 

What are the criteria for choosing a personal gym trainer?

You don’t want to be stuck with a bad gym trainer for six months. Imagine it: six months of no progress! That’s six months of gym fees going down the drain. A good personal trainer can help you take the first step towards a healthier version of yourself. They will take into consideration your activity level, physical activities, eating habits, etc., to create an effective fitness workout for you. So, how can you avoid bad gym trainers? How can you find a good health trainer that fits your needs?

Look at their experience

Most fitness trainers will have years of experience training or coaching in different fields. Some are focused on bodybuilding, sports physiotherapy, some on strength and conditioning, some on sports-specific training, and more. Reflect on your goals and see what kind of fitness coach will fit your goals. 

Check their personality

No matter how good a fitness trainer is, it’s still important to see if the personality of your gym trainer will fit yours. The chemistry between your trainer and yourself is also important so you can communicate your concerns and opinions better. 

Find out the trainer’s approach to training

Each gym trainer has a unique way or approach to training their clients. Align your preferences with a fitness coach that can satisfy your needs when it comes to fitness. 

Find out their schedule

Ask your potential fitness trainers about their schedules. You need to align your own schedule with your trainer’s schedule and make sure that there’s room for schedule adjustments when needed. 

Read feedback

A personal gym coach’s reputation is reflected in his clients’ feedback. A trainer with good feedback is a good sign that he is a reliable and effective gym coach. 

Check their qualifications 

It’s never too much to check on the qualifications of your potential gym trainers. Licenses and certifications assure you that they are truly knowledgeable about what they do and can teach them to you properly. 

While there are a lot of good and reputable fitness trainers, there are also gym trainers that are not. Here are some of the things you should look out for when on the hunt for the right personal gym trainer: 

  • they insist on pre-exercise screening
  • they are unable to show credentials
  • they don’t have legit references
  • they force you to sign up immediately
  • they sell supplements and diet pills
  • they don’t ask about your fitness background
  • they make false claims and promises

Personal trainers should have legit qualifications and be registered with recognised organisations like AUSactive. These are the roles they have to play as your personal gym trainer: 

  • Teach you about proper exercise techniques and theory
  • Be your personal cheerleader
  • Keep track of your progress
  • Adjust your fitness regimen as you progress
  • Give you sound and proven advice on healthy habits, nutrition, etc. 
  • Create exercise routines that you won’t easily get tired of
  • Make you accountable for your actions

The cost of hiring a personal fitness coach can vary from gym to gym. But, if you want to look at the average cost of a fitness trainer in Australia, it can range from $50 to $90 per hour.